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Rizq of Brotherhood – Surah al-Hashr May 23, 2009

Posted by ibn1brahim in 059. Surah al-Hashr, AlMaghrib Institute, Audio, Companions, Du'a, History, Islam, Islam Muslim, Masjid, Masjid Tawheed, Mishary Rashid al-Afasy, Qur'an, Reciters, Salah, Tafsir, Yaser Birjas.
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Certain ayaat from Suratul Hashr were on my mind yesterday, the ones about the brotherhood, and Sheikh Ibrahim recited that very surah in salah today. Sheikh Yaser Birjas once told us during a brothers QA session that rizq is more than just money, but rather it includes other blessings, including your wife, kids, etc. Alhamdulillah, I’ve been fortunate enough to come across some brothers who are amazing, mashaAllah, who exemplify the ayaat and ahadeeth about brotherhood we come across so often, particularly between the Muhajiroon and Ansaar. It reinforces the idea that reading a book will never compare to the actual emotion and experience.

For the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and [His] approval and supporting Allah and His Messenger, [there is also a share]. Those are the truthful.

And [also for] those who were settled in al-Madinah and [adopted] the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul – it is those who will be the successful.

And [there is a share for] those who came after them, saying, “Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful.”

[Hashr: 8-10]

Tafsir: Virtues of the Muhajiroon and Ansaar, Selflessness of the Ansaar

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Makkah Ruku

It was narrated that al-Nu’maan ibn Basheer said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“The believers, in their mutual mercy, love and compassion, are like a (single) body; if one part of it feels pain, the rest of the body will join it in staying awake and suffering fever.”

تَرَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَرَاحُمِهِمْ وَتَوَادِّهِمْ وَتَعَاطُفِهِمْ كَمَثَلِ الْجَسَدِ إِذَا اشْتَكَى عُضْوًا تَدَاعَى لَهُ سَائِرُ جَسَدِهِ بِالسَّهَرِ وَالْحُمَّى

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5665; Muslim, 2586.

501 Quotes from AlMaghrib Instructors February 26, 2009

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Instructors.

501 Quotes from AlMaghrib Instructors

“Spicy food helps make you a better person.” – Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Precious Provisions, QDurbah

Smile! Your teeth are not awrah. – Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

“Allah won’t judge them [other Muslims] according to your knowledge. Allah will judge them by their own knowledge!” – Yasir Qadhi, Precious Provisions, QDurbah

“the Qur’an is like a treasure trapped in a glass receptacle; mankind can view and benefit from this treasure, but they are in need of tafseer, for tafseer acts like the key that unlocks the treasure, so that mankind can benefit from it to the greatest possible extent.” Yasir Qadhi

Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one! — Sheikh Muhammad Alshareef

“Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. [Pause]…did I say it right?” – Dr. Waleed Basyouni, Rays of Faith, Qabeelat Mubeen (after class) ____

“Your life is either an example or a warning.”
– Muhammad al-Shareef (Breach of Covenant: Toronto Nov.2007)

“We know what kind of underwear Michel Jordan has on but we don’t know what the things Rasul Allah saaw used to do.” Sh.AbdulBary TPS tour Nuryan (talking about how much we know about cele. and not enough about Rasul Allah saaw)

“When one joins Almaghrib and joins a Qabeela, they join a family, a family of learning Islam together.” Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef

We should give Islam like the UPS guy, with a smile and without changing the package.
-AbdulBary Yahya The Shepherd’s Path

“Ask Allah to put you in a place where you can benefit and benefit others. Ask Him to make your situation better. Sometimes in your heart, you might not want to move to a particular place, but it might be better for you or for a greater good. Have trust in Allah and remember appearences are not everything.” -Sh. AbdulBary Yahya

“If a person’s intention is not pure then he will keep praising himself. When a person praises himself, it turns people off. Humility attracts people and ilm with pure niyyah teaches you to be humble.”–Sh. Waleed Basyouni

“If you do not study the past, you can not appreciate the present, and you can never contribute anything towards the future.” ~Yaser Birjas (January 23, ’09. Heavenly Hues)

Upcoming AlMaghrib Classes (NJ & NY) August 7, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AbdulBary Yahya, AlMaghrib Institute, Instructors, Islam, Locations (Qaba'il/Tribes), Muhammad, News, Prophets, Qabeelat Durbah (NJ), Qabeelat Tayybah (NY), Scholars, Videos, Waleed Basyouni.
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Qabeelat Durbah (NJ) Presents:

Seerah: The Shephard’s Path

October 10-12 & 17-19, 2008
Fridays: 7pm-10pm
Sat & Sun: 10am-7pm

Qabeelat Tayybah (NY) Presents:

Torch Bearers: Scholars of Islam

October 31 – November 2, 2008
Fridays: 7pm-10pm
Sat & Sun: 10am-7pm

Shaykh Bin Baz – “This man did not belong to this century!” August 4, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Bin Baz, Ibn Uthaymeen, Instructors, Islam, Scholars, Waleed Basyouni.
1 comment so far

Courtesy of www.studentofislam.com

In a unique evening session, Shaykh Waleed Basyouni discussed the life of one of his greatest teachers, the late Shaykh Bin Baz. Personally, I often learn more from the adab and personal lives of scholars and people of knowledge than their books and formal lectures. And so this session was for me. Lasting well into the night and chock full of personal stories, anecdotes and personal details, Shaykh Waleed gave a perspective of the shaykh that can never be obtained from reading about him nor reading his books and listening to his lectures.

My intent here is not to present the notes in there entirety, but I was struck by a number of things about the esteemed late Shaykh. I shall share two here.

1. His attachment with the people:

Known as “Samaahatul Waalid” (Dear Father) among the people, he was a person who belonged to the common people and treated those around him with great care and concern. He rarely dined alone, and for 30 years of his life he established an open-house policy during lunch time: his door was open to all to dine with him, and so you would find scholars, students of knowledge, government officials and janitors sitting side by side eating lunch in his house. Ordinary people were known to come up to him and complaint to him, including women. He would receive letters from all over the world from common people as well as dignitaries, and he would try to answer each one, often sending help and monitary assistance.

2. His concern for the global Islamic movement and affairs of the ummah:

He was truly a global personality and has a significant role and hand in Islamic work and dawah all over the world. He invited scholars and dignitaries from all over the globe and hosted them, even those he disagreed with. He graciously hosted Shaykh al-Sha’rawi from Egypt in 1972 and introduced him and praised him. He had close, positive interactions with others, including Allamah Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the late Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali , Shaykh Tantawi and others. He was among those who invited the late Syed Maududi to serve on the Advisory Committee which prepared the scheme for the establishment of the Islamic University of Madinah and placed him on its Academic Council ever since the inception of the University in 1962.

He once approached one of his students Shaykh Abdullah Gu‘ud with a sealed letter and a plane ticket, telling him “You are going to Pakistan.” He was to deliver this letter to the president of Pakistan, none other than the late general Zia ul-Haque. Shaykh Abdullah, unaware of the contents, arrived in Pakistan, where General Zia was expecting him. The general read the letter and said, “Give our greetings to Shaykh Bin Baz and tell him that inshallah he will hear what he loves.” Shaykh Abdullah came back and informed Bin Baz, who thanked him and said, “Perhaps Allah will bring some good through you.” A few days later, Bin Baz approached him again, this time elated, rejoicing and thanking Allah repeatedly while saying, “Allah has indeed brought immense good through you, Shaykh Abdullah.” He then informed him that the letter was a personal request to General Zia to intercede with the president of Turkey to release Najmuddin Erbakan, the architect of the Islamic movement in Turkey, from prison and impending execution. Erbakan was released.

Shaykh Bin Baz had a keen awareness and concern for the affairs of the ummah. He had a great role in assisting the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion, helping the people of Bosnia, Kosova, Kashmir, Africa and everywhere else Muslims were suffering. Contrary to what is generally attributed to him, even during the Iran-Iraq War, he personally appealed to the leaders of both countries to end the war. He had a letter drafted for this purpose by none other than Shaykh Taha Jabir Alwani.

This was the esteemed Allamah Ibn Baz, a true scholar of and for the ummah. His janazah was performed in the Haram and in absentia throughout the world in every major masjid, making him perhaps the only person in our entire history to have as many people pray for him.

Unfortunately, some cultish, sectarian groups have hijacked his name for their narrow, limited agenda, but the life of the Shaykh is too expansive and free from that. He was a man who lived for and left an impression on the entire ummah. In the words of Shaykh Qaradawi : “If I were to change my opinions for any man, it would be for Ibn Baz,” and the late Shaykh al-Albani: “If anyone is a muhaddith, it is Shaykh Ibn Baz.” Shaykh Waleed himself narrated that he heard the late Shaykh Abdurrazak al-‘Afeefy say about him, “This man did not belong to this century!”

Abu Zayd

Live from Houston, Ilm Summit 2008 Day 1

Shaykh Yaser Birjas on his teacher, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen

Interview with the wife of Ibn Uthaymeen

On the Shoulders of Giants – Muhammad Alshareef July 21, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Instructors, Muhammad Alshareef, Videos.
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A little old, but still nice..

What is AlMaghrib to you? July 10, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Instructors, Muhammad Alshareef, Videos.
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Sacred Scrolls starts tomorrow!


True Happiness – New Khutbah by Yasir Qadhi June 16, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Audio, Depression, Islam, Islam Muslim, Yasir Qadhi.
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Download mp3 @ muslimmatters.org

And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? Thus it has been made pleasing to the disbelievers that which they were doing.
[An’aam: 122]

Sacred Scrolls: 40 Hadeeth Nawawi <– Upcoming AlMaghrib class! June 9, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Islam, Islam Muslim, Locations (Qaba'il/Tribes), Qabeelat Durbah (NJ), Suhaib Webb.
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this class is only one weekend, and it’s supposed to be basic, something everyone can enjoy. bring anyone to enjoy a weekend into the 40 hadith of imam an-nawawi.

many people of the past have written 40 hadith booklets. anyone can write a 40 hadith book, even you can. but why is it that whenever u mention 40 hadith, you automatically think of imam an-nawawi? Allah’s tawfiq allowed his work to be blessed and now many of us have his work in our houses.

What if, after just one weekend, you could feel your shoulders straighten, the air of confidence lifting you higher?

What if, after just one weekend, you could feel the joy of having a crucial understanding of all the main concepts of your faith?

What if, after just one weekend, you could have a comprehensive awareness of the one compilation of hadeeth that could potentially address every religious matter you’ll ever want or need to talk about?

It is narrated on the authority of ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, say:

“Actions are (judged) by intentions so each man will have what he intended. [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

If, as Imam al-Shafee has said, “This particular hadeeth is one third of the knowledge of Islam; related to about 70 topics of Fiqh,” –we ask: “What then about the other 39?”

AlMaghrib Institute is Overjoyed to Bring You:
Sacred Scrolls: 40 Hadeeth Nawawi
A single weekend degree seminar

Lessons from the timeless collection of hadith compiled by Imam AlNawawi

A weekend long seminar taught by two Powerhouse AlMaghrib Instructors:

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and Imam Suhaib Webb

Come see for yourself what all the hype is about!

Come, sit with your brothers and sisters who seek excellence.

**********Be inspired! Be there!*********

Sacred Scrolls: 40 Hadeeth Nawawi
One Weekend Seminar
Location: TBA
Cost: $85
July 11-13, 2008
Fridays: 7pm-10pm
Sat & Sun: 10am-7pm

more information about the class will be up soon inshaAllah

Enroll Now


more info about AlMaghrib Institute at:



The Best Plan for Our Life – Yaser Birjas June 5, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Instructors, Islam, Masjid, Videos, Yaser Birjas.
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Abu Dhar Jundub bin Junadah and Abu Abdul Rahman Mu’adh bin Jabal, radiyallahu anhuma, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said:

“Fear Allah wherever you may be; follow up an evil deed with a good one which will wipe (the former) out, and behave good-naturedly towards people.”

[Al-Tirmidhi relates it, saying: It is a good (hasan) Tradition. In some copies he says: It is a good and genuine (hasan and sahih) Hadith.]

Previous lectures:

How to Increase Your Wealth

History of Islam in America: Whither and Where – Yasir Qadhi June 2, 2008

Posted by ibn1brahim in AlMaghrib Institute, Events, Instructors, Islam, Islam in the West, Locations (Qaba'il/Tribes), Qabeelat Tayybah (NY), Videos, Yasir Qadhi.
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Very interesting Yasir Qadhi lecture, which was given at the IlmFest 2008..